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OPAP Sport academies program

We build the future of sports on solid foundations

OPAP Sport Academies is a pioneer Social Responsibility program for Greece that aims to instill to the children principles and values that will follow them for the rest of their lives, either they become athletes of remain simple friends of sports.

Today, through the program we support 125 amateur academies in 48 prefectures of our country. We stand by 10.400 young athletes, offering them insurance coverage children during trainings and games and high quality sports gear for all children, ensuring high standard training conditions for all of them.

Moreover, we continuously enhance the technical expertise of the 450 coaches of the participating academies, through the implementation of workshops and trainings, so that they can offer the best possible support to the children, emphasizing on their emotional well-being.

In the same context, we support 20.000 parents through the specialized scientific team of the program, offering them consultation and guidance on a psychological, physiological and nutritional level, both through the implementation of scientific speeches in the Academies and the dedicated website of the program.