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“Sports Academies” program

Supporting the future of Greek Sports

The OPAP Sports Academies program, which started in 2014, is an important investment in the future of sports, supporting amateur football and basketball clubs throughout Greece.

The program involves 120 amateur football academies, 80 amateur basketball academies and a total of 25,000 athletes aged up to 13 years old from all over Greece.

The main guideline of the program is the continuous and interactive training of the coaches, children and parents of the academies in order to:

  • Highlight the educational and recreational side of sports.
  • Strengthening the values of sports.
  • Create strong bonds between the participating clubs.
  • Improve the services provided by the clubs.

So as to ensure that today’s young athletes will become better persons tomorrow and that the future of Greek sports is based on solid foundations.

The program’s pillars:

Scientific support

Scientific support

The program stands by thousands of parents and guardians with its scientific team and offers them training and guidance in the fields of child psychology, nutrition, paediatrics, physiotherapy and fitness.

Scientific team’s actions are made either with a physical presence through visits by the team of scientists to the academies and conducting scientific activities with the participation of athletes and coaches, or through specialized content posted on the official online platform of the program, Sports Academies Online.


Coaching support

Coaching support

The program continuously enhance the technical training of the approximately 1000 academies’ coaches by implementing online educational activities (educational videos and activities) upon the instruction of the program’s coaching teams heads in football (Kostas Tsanas) and basketball (Ilias Papatheodorou), in order to offer the best educational and training support to the children emphasizing to the their soul and emotions.

Our philosophy is based on three basic guidelines concerning:

  • Τhe coach’ s educational role in the ages up to 13 years old
  • The children’s code of conduct
  • The parents/guardians’ code of conduct



Safety and medical care

Safety and medical care

The program provides:

  • Insurance coverage for all athletes aged 6 – 13 during their matches and training sessions
  • Covering the costs of rehabilitating possible injuries of the athletes in question

Sport equipment

Sport equipment

All academies receive on an annual basis sport equipment which aims to meet their basic needs and improve the safety and training standards of their athletes.


Sports Events

Sports Events

Each academy has the possibility to participate in the big sports events that are organized in many cities of Greece, so that the entire Greek territory is geographically covered.

These big events emerge the values of fair play, teamwork, respect and dedication and their content consists of:

  • Football and basketball games without score, standings and referees
  • Presentation and participation in Olympic and Paralympic sports
  • Active participation of well-known athletes and activities with children
  • Educational activities
  • Interactive and entertaining games
  • Scientific and recreational activities for the parents and guardians of the participating young athletes