Societal Support Focus Areas for the New Generation
The Societal Support strategy of OPAP addresses initiatives that improve the living conditions of Greece's citizens and contributes to social welfare.
In a time, when social needs are more intense than ever, we continue to evolve our business operation, remaining true to our commitment for responsible growth and social support. A key parameter of our operation and an integral part of our corporate philosophy is to undertake an active part, focusing on initiatives that improve the living conditions of our fellow citizens and, in parallel, contribute in social welfare.
More specifically, with the key objective of bringing hope back to youth, we have structured our Societal Support strategy on three pillars, addressing real needs of young people, by undertaking initiatives that make a difference. The initiatives that have led our company to this special position refer to advancing Health, promoting the values of Sports and supporting Employment.
Last but not least, we apply responsibility to the heart of our business operation, following an integrated strategy for Responsible Gaming, protecting our customers and especially minors and sensitive social groups.

Sports Initiative
Strategic approach
Building the future of sport on a stable bases
By investing in children, we invest in the very future of sport. Through the innovative program “OPAP Sports Academies”, which began in 2014, we are facing the sensible area of youth sport, aiming at upgrading the standards of athletic education in Greece and inspiring young people with sporting ideals by ensuring the tomorrow of the Greek sports.
CloseHealth Initiative
We upgrade medical infrastructure for our children
It is scientifically proven, that the quality of the patient’s environment plays an important role during someone’s therapy. Thus OPAP aims to reform the therapeutic environment of these two Hospitals, “Aghia Sophia” and “Panagioti & Aglaias Kyriakou”, using creativity and imagination to build a pleasant place for children, their parents and improve the working conditions for the medical and nursing staff.
Building on its already rich contribution to the Health sector and prioritizing the improvement of living conditions for children, OPAP’s management announced in April 2014 the initiative to renovate the two most important, oldest and largest Children Hospitals in Greece; and “Aghia Sophia” and and “Pan. & Aglaias Kyriakou”.
The Children Hospitals renovation initiative was completed in 2022, offering a significant legacy for the public health. In total, 30 renovation projects were completed, of 14.960 sq.m2 total area, which include 23 nursing units that surpass international standards and accommodate 564 beds.
CloseEmployment Initiative
We reinforce the Greek market
Our overall positive impact in the Greek economy is further enhanced by our decision to support entrepreneurship, through the implementation of an integrated program on the area of employment.
The mission of the program is the selection and integrated support of developing companies, that constitute the backbone of our economy, so that their growth will lead to job creation and wealth generation for the Greek market. Specifically, through strategic advice and coaching, the program aspires to offer Small – Medium Businesses:
The compass of our program is to stimulate employment in Greece and to create a strong business network that will provide a new viewpoint to the local market.
Responsible Gaming Initiative
Strategic Approach
Responsible Gaming Framework
Our responsible gaming framework, which reflects the one adopted by the World Lottery Association, consists of activities that aim to ensure responsible and sustainable growth.

Recognizing our Responsible Gaming principles, two international associations rewarded us with the highest distinctions globally for our commitment in protecting consumers and ensuring a safe environment for our players. In particular the World Lottery Association (WLA) awarded us with the WLA Responsible Gaming Certificate Level 4, which is the highest level of Responsible Gaming Certifications globally, moving forward from the Level 3 certification we had been awarded in 2015. In addition, the European State Lotteries and Toto Association/ European Lotteries (EL) awarded us with the Statement of Alignment with the EL Responsible Gaming Standards for our true dedication to consistently build Responsible Gaming principles in our strategy and operation.
The certifications we received serve as a testament to the effectiveness of our Responsible Gaming programs and the benefit they bring to all our stakeholders towards safeguarding the joy of the game.