Our commitment
Responsible Gaming is a central element in OPAP’s sustainability strategy.
OPAP, as the leading gaming company in Greece aims to create and offer to the players the best products, by adopting the highest standards of integrity and responsibility and at the same time produce value for its shareholders and the society in which it operates.
The company understands that because of its potential social impact, responsible management of its business is inseparable from other business activities. This means optimizing business growth by operating in an ethical, responsible, safe, and legal manner, through a model of sustainable development.
Our focus
We seek to make gaming and betting safer for all people. Therefore we undertake every effort to continuously support our customers in order to meet their needs in a responsible and transparent manner. Our key focus is to:

Create a safe environment for our players:
We ensure that player safety is at the core of the design, development and distribution of our products, so that all consumers are able to make informed choices about play and support services.

Protect minors and other vulnerable groups:
We protect minors through the prohibition of their entry and stay at our stores and especially through the prohibition of their participation in games of chance provided by the Company

Educate general public:
The best way to keep gaming fun is to have the right information at hand when you play. Thus we provide consumers with timely, accurate and sufficient information about the products, the terms and the conditions of their use, as well as the risks and consequences that might arise through the irrational participation in games of chance in order to be able to make informed choices
For people experiencing excessive gambling problems
Help line
For people experiencing excessive gambling problems
Help line