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This Website of OPAP S.A. is to provide information and to entertain its users/visitors. The access to this Website and use hereof are subject to the following terms and conditions, which the visitors/users are asked to read carefully and continue with their visit and/or use of these web-pages and/or services only if they accept fully the aforementioned terms and conditions. These terms and conditions supersede all other contravening agreements, either tacit or explicit, between OPAP S.A. and its users/visitors. In particular:

A. Website Content

Any and all information, text, software, and audiovisual material contained herein constitute original intellectual creation and are therefore protected under the provisions of Law 2121/1993 "on the protection of copyright and related rights". Any act of reproduction, distribution, modification or use for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of OPAP S.A. is prohibited.

OPAP S.A. takes all appropriate and reasonably anticipated measures so as the data and information contained in its Website are complete, accurate and reliable. OPAP S.A. does not make any guarantees as regards the soundness, completeness, accuracy and reliability of such data and information and it shall not be liable to any users or third parties for any loss or damage due to incorrectness or inaccuracy.

Links to other websites

Links to other websites are provided solely as convenience to the visitors/users. OPAP S.A. shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage or loss to users/visitors resulting from the use of such links to other websites or the use of data and information contained in any such website.

Reproduction of Content

The use of trademarks and logos contained herein is expressly prohibited unless otherwise consented to in writing by OPAP S.A. or a third party rights-holder.

Furthermore, any use, exploitation, republication, reproduction and copying, in any way whatsoever, of the content and services provided in this Website is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of OPAP S.A.  Exceptionally, is allowed the printing and copying of individual web-pages and their contents, solely for personal informational use by the user/visitor themselves, and provided that such pages and content shall not undergo any alterations whatsoever.

The photos of Getty Images/Ideal Image and Intime Sports that are published in this website may not be used, exploited, published, republished, reproduced, copied mechanically or in any other way, modified or not, without Ideal Image SA and Intime Sports Images prior written consent.

Rights of OPAP S.A.

OPAP SA shall not be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental or consequential damages of users/visitors of this Website due to third parties illegal acts (e.g., interception or decryption of codes and data), spread of viruses during use of this Website or download elements of its content, or due to problems that may occur within the context of the use of computers (e.g., data loss, etc.).

OPAP S.A. reserves the right to modify its Website and to add, modify and/or remove any item, element and/or information contained herein without any prior notice. It also reserves the right to modify at any time these terms and conditions.

Obligations of visitors/users

Visitors/users of this Website must comply with applicable rules, regulations and provisions of the Greek, European and International Law relating to telecommunications. In this context, any damage and/or loss caused to this Website or the network in general, as a result of actions arising from poor and/or unauthorized use of the web-pages and/or services by this Website's visitors/users, shall be the exclusive liability of the latter.

Provision and Availability of Content

OPAP S.A., despite its best efforts to the contrary, does not warrant that its Web Site and any information and/or services contained herein shall be provided uninterrupted and/or error-free, nor does it warrant that its Website and the servers, through which the contents and services of the Website are provided to the visitors/users, are free of viruses or other harmful components.

Your access to this Website of OPAP S.A. confirms that you have adequately and completely understood the foregoing and that you fully agree to these terms and conditions.



This text reflects the practices of this Website, owned by OPAP S.A., with respect to collection of information and security of personal data.

OPAP S.A. records a set of technical data, such as IP addresses and types of browsers used by our visitors; however, it does not link such data with any information that could be used to uniquely/personally identify our visitors/users.  In practice, this means that even though a visitor's path within the Website is recorded, such visitor remains anonymous. The purpose of the above is to collect traffic statistics pertaining to our Website and not to record each unique visitor. This information is used for the improvement of the less popular pages and the addition of content to the most popular pages.

In those cases where it is necessary to collect personal data (subscription to the mailing list, purchase of products, etc.), OPAP S.A. explicitly states that such information shall in no case be disclosed to any third party unless otherwise compelled by Law.

Any personal data collected are used solely for communication purposes in order to promote products and services of OPAP S.A. and, in any case, a clear and conspicuous way regarding the unsubscription from the mailing list is provided to visitors.

This Website provides links to external websites, the policy of which regarding the security of personal data does not lie within the area of responsibility and/or liability of OPAP S.A.



Through the new Website of OPAP S.A., is now possible the access of on line digital content with great advantages as regards searching and linking of information sought, as well as the provision of specialized services, one of which is the digital presentation of OPAP S.A. games.

The digital presentation constitutes in electronic simulation, that is to say, the representation of the actual conduct of games, the operation of which also requires, in addition to the supporting systems (electronic and other), the installation and use of specific software. The purpose of this service is solely the presentation of OPAP S.A. games for reasons pertaining to the information of players/customers of our Company, since on line placing of bets or rendering of economic benefits to the customer are not currently possible. In other words, such digital presentation is about electronic games, played with the use of PCs, which do not comprise any financial gain systems.

Protection of Software

This software has been recognized as an intellect work and is explicitly copyrighted (Article 2 paragraph 3 element (a) of Law 2121/1993). Therefore, the reproduction, adaptation, alteration, translation, any presentation, demonstration or communication to the/in public and distribution of the aforementioned software without the prior authorization of our Company is prohibited for any reason whatsoever, the sole exception being for its intended use (Article 42 paragraph 1 Law 2121/1993).

Moreover, copying or assumption of software may bring about the implementation of the provisions on unfair competition, provided that it takes place by a competitor of the author and entails slavish imitation (Article 1 Law 146/1914).



Information about our Company and Website

In designing our business policy, we keep the focus persistently on the respect for privacy and the protection of the personal data of customers/visitors to our Website.

Website's Services and Links

Our Website allows visitors to transmit information; however, during transmission of such information third parties may interfere and acquire access thereto. Please note that, in each such case, OPAP S.A. is not to be held liable for any unlawful personal data collection or processing by any third party.

Our Website contains links to other websites. Please note that OPAP S.A. is not to be held liable for any unlawful personal data collection or processing by such companies/websites.

Automatic collection of information

The use of cookies is necessary for a more functional and user friendly environment. OPAP S.A. keeps a strict policy regarding the protection of your personal information. We use cookies on our site to manage sessions, to provide a customized web experience while adapting advertising and other content to fit your needs and preferences. Also, cookies can be used to compile anonymous statistics that allow us to understand how the public uses our website and helps us to improve content.

Modification of the browser settings is available to you, so as to pick which cookies you prefer to use.

Important Note: Some features are only available through cookies and if you choose to reject them, the features may not be available.


Data collection and purpose of collection

The Company collects and processes personal data provided voluntarily by our Website's customers/visitors during their use of the Website's services.

The use of data for any other purpose is allowed solely after the prior specific consent of their owner, such consent being provided either in writing or through the relevant indication in a special section/field of our Website upon the data's collection. Our customers/visitors are entitled to withdraw their consent, at any time whatsoever, by sending a written request or e-mail to OPAP S.A.

Our Company does not collect information on our customers/visitors from other sources such as Public records, Public bodies or private entities.

Confidentiality / Security

Our Company allows customers/visitors to our Website to transmit their personal data relating to their identification (identifiers) through a secure transmission method.

Our Company strictly complies with a specific security policy, at the same time employing and applying the latest techniques for the protection of the personal data kept with its records against:

·                  Illegal access

·                  Illegal use or disclosure

·                  Illegal modification

·                  Intentional or unintentional destruction

OPAP S.A. bears no liability in the event that the personal data kept with its records become subject to illegal acts, which may result in injury, property damage or moral harm of/to such data owners, due to force majeure or due to any other reason not attributable to gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of OPAP S.A. or the employees thereof.

Access and Objection Rights

The customers/visitors to our Website are entitled to be informed whether their personal data are subject to processing by the Company.

The relevant request/application must be made in writing and sent to OPAP S.A., together with supporting documents proving the identity of the applicant, as well as the relevant proof of payment of the amount stipulated in the Decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority.

OPAP S.A. shall be obligated to respond in writing within a binding time limit of fifteen (15) days, at the same time sending a free copy of the applicant's personal data, which OPAP S.A. may keep with its records.

Our customers/visitors are entitled to object to the processing of their personal data. In particular, they may request the correction, temporary non-use, locking/blocking, non-transfer or even deletion thereof.

This Collection and Management Policy of our Company complies with:

·                 Law 2472/1997

·                 Law 2774/1999

·                The Decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority.

Providing support to customers / visitors

For any queries or questions that you may have regarding the management policy of our Company, please contact OPAP S.A.